Thursday, June 24, 2010



Yes, as you have already noticed, I don't post paintings daily (although my blog is called daily paintings) but you know what? I was getting soooo stressed trying to have a painting ready every day and having to work and having to spend time with the family and the friends, that I had to stop, breath and take my time to do things. Because I love painting and i want to continue loving it. I am going to take my time... everything you see here might not be loaded daily but it is guaranteed to have been made with tons of love.


  1. Veo el cuadro y sonrio. Hay algo en el que me hace sentir. Algo vivo que provoca una reaccion a una accion, pasada pero presente en mi. Despues veo el maravilloso rojo del sillon y ahora no sonrio y pienso, sino pienso en esa sonrisa y en todas las dudas relacionadas con ella, y tambien en el hecho que las almas se venden y los corazones se rompen por esas mismas sonrisas con encanto suficiente para entregarse a la demencia total.

    PS: El cuadro esta muy padre...

  2. Que inspiracion amigo. Debes ser escritor o poeta o dramaturgo
